Nov 9, 2006

Political Videos

Couple things today:

Maher on Larry KingDirect link.  Nothing too interesting here, I hope Bill doesn't fall too hard here, he's always steered away from personal things, including Bush's daughters and his drug history.  I'm sure his argument is that if you bash gays, you open yourself to outting.  I don't disagree, but gots to be careful.

Pelosi & BushDirect link.  So here we go, friendly friendly, everyone nice, work together, bipartisan.  Who will be the first to take their toys and go home?  Will some dems push for impeachment?  Will bush refuse to budge on iraq?

O'Rielly in denialDirect link.  Seriiously, dude, crazy ass American Heritage Foundation people even think you are blind.  Who is on your side??

Also, Ed Bradley, old black guy from 60 Minutes, died :(

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