Oct 27, 2006

Keith Olbermann

Looks like half my posts will be politics for the next 2 weeks, so next up, I can't decide what I think of Keith Olbermann.  I, as a rule, don't watch 24 hour cable networks.  I don't like what's become of them in the Fox era, and I generally choose not to support them (not that they know, but you know what I mean).  So I haven't seen a lot of Olbermann, never watched it on an actual TV, just links online.  He's a big critic of Bush'n'them, so obviously that's great.  But he comes across a little too rabid for me.  There is a vitriol in his mannerisms that weirds me out.  I mean, I'm with Bill Maher: "Where is the outrage?"  I want someone to be pissed, I want lots of people to be pissed.  Maybe online links have a selection effect that bias me, I'm not sure.  I guess I'll have to watch his actual show a couple of times to get a good measure.  Any thoughts?

Oh, I also think he as absolutely not earned rights to "Good Night and Good Luck"  Do I really have to quote Bentsen v Quayle here??

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