Mar 27, 2008

How big is a 2x4?

Okay, this isn't a link, or a video, or a review, or a comment.  It's a question.

Is it JUST ME who didn't know that a 2 x 4 is actually 1.5" by 3.5"?!?!?!  What the fuck?!  a 2 by 4 is named for its saw mill size, it is then dried and finished, thus shrinking it to 1.5" by 3.5"  WHO THE HELL NAMES SOMETHING FOR ITS PREPRODUCTION SIZE?!  If I buy a gallon of water, I give no shits how many gallons of water went into making that gallon, there better be a god damned gallon of water in the jug!

I feel like the world just broke.

1 comment:

Miley Sucks said...

Well, a Quarter Pounder is named for the precooked weight of the beef patty that goes on it. It's not actually a quarter pound once you get it.