Dec 19, 2007

Movie Reviews @ The Temple

So, I've been forgetting to do these, not sure what all the movies I've seen since the last time, but I'll try.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford - This movie was incredible.  It was slower than molasses, such that it was as much painting as it was movie (though I could have done without the Gladiator-esque hands-through-the-tall-grass shots).  I can see how the pace might put people off, but if you have the patience, it is beautiful.  Brad Pitt is great, and Casey Affleck is astounding.

The Mist - This was a steaming pile of poo, basically.  There are two things this movie could have been: (1) straight up scary horror movie.  Mysterious danger, confined place, monsters, sure.  But the CG is god awful, seriously worse than a scifi movie.  And it's just not all that scary, really.  (2) examination of human nature - people who are trapped have different extreme reactions.  Unfortunatley, this movie is basically the sound-byte, armchair psychology, freshmen sociology paper version of an intelligent examination of human nautre, and I haaaaaated it.  So, right, don't see it, I'd say.

I Am Legend - on the other hand, WOW!  I mean, it's not perfect, "only okay" CG, forced climax, and it's not really the movie they advertised.  But jeez, it is really good.  Will Smith is amazing, I think my favorite thing from him ever.  The isolation was great, I left the theater feeling lonely myself.  And the thing with the dog, damn.

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