Jan 25, 2008

Movie Reviews @ The Temple

There Will Be Blood - FUCKING HELL!  Words cannot express how amazing this movie is.  Top to bottom, it blew me away.  There are no flaws!  I mean, maybe tiiiiny flaws, but all completely mitigated by their circumstance.  I thought the kid wasn't a great actor until his big event, then it turns out he's amazing.  I thought the music was a tiny bit hokey, but it fits in the style and I can't really critique it.  Also, the moaning crescendo sound?  Yeah, that's LOST's sound.  Sorry if you had the idea first, but that's what it is, you can't have it.  Besides that?  PERFECT.  All the performances are astounding.  Daniel Day Lewis has an amazing evolution and is brilliant.  The preacher is complex and incredible.  The kid should not be that good.  The brother was totally unexpected and marvelous.  All these characters are different but tied in and just work so amazingly well.  It has beautiful locations, beautifully shot, some symbolism that even I picked up.  There is parallelism in the writing that knocked me out.  And I only picked up like 3 or 4 instances, imagine how many there really were!  Oh my god I have no idea how to choose between it and No Country For Old Men (which I am ashamed to realize I never talked about here when I saw it).  They are both perfect amazing movies.  I want to see this over and over, it was absolutely fantastic.  Seriously, I think I'm gonna pee my pants.

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